
Note Tags can be used to code your annotations to specific issues or themes and you can apply multiple tags to a single annotation.


1.  Creating Note Tags - Within the Documents page, from the grey toolbar select Manage Tags to open the 'Manage Tags' window, allowing you to Add, Edit or Delete your tags

a.  Shared Tags or Personal Note Tags - Within the Manage Tags window, select 'Shared Tags' or 'Personal Note Tags' to decide on the tag type.  

Note Tags can be i) 'Shared Tags', viewable by all users in your workspace or ii) a 'Personal Note' tag, viewable by yourself only (Personal Note Tags cannot be shared at any point).

b. Add Tags - Press Add in the bottom left to open the 'New Tag' window. Within the New Tag window, you are able to customise the set up of your new tag:  

  • Name: - The name of your tag.
  • Nest Under: - Choose if the tag should be housed under a tag structure.
  • Shortcut Key: - N/A for Note Tags. 
  • Icon: - The colour option should be chosen for all Note Tags, being the colour of the highlight when making the note. 
  • Applicable to: - Choose if the tag can be applied to both 'Documents' and 'Notes', or just 'Notes'.

2.  Applying Note Tags - When viewing a document, Highlight text or an area of the page to open the 'Annotation' window. From here you will be able to apply a Note Tag from one of the following methods, with the 'Add a Note' section changing colour to reflect the tag choice, before pressing Save on the annotation:

a. Select Note Tags - Press the multicoloured pen icon in the bottom left to open the 'Select Note Tags' window and then select the relevant tag(s) to apply.

You are able to access the Manage Tags window in the bottom left to create or edit Note Tags.

b. Recently Used - The last 10 tags recently used should appear within the window and can be selected to quickly apply the relevant tag.

You are able to quick apply Note Tags to documents without opening the annotation window using Highlight Mode - more information can be found here.


Video Walkthrough