Sharing notes as you author them

You can share your notes with other users of your workspace by clicking the dropdown menu at the top of the annotation dialog:

  • Me - your note will remain private, visible only to you. This is the initial default setting.
  • My Team/All Viewers - share the note with everyone who has access to your workspace.
  • Groups - configure groups of multiple users with whom to share notes e.g. Counsel/London Team/Singapore Team (please contact the Projects team on to set these up).
  • Individuals - choose an individual user with whom to share a note.  If you wish to add more than one user, click on the Head icon in the top right of the annotation dialogue.

You can also inform users that you have shared a note by ticking the ‘Send Email Notification’ checkbox – this will send an automated email to the relevant user(s) containing a link to your new annotation. Don’t forget that you can set the default setting for your notes via the Account page (which you can find by left-clicking on the Head icon at top right of the screen from the home page).

Sharing historic notes

If you have a series of notes you've already made, for which you'd now like to retrospectively share with other users on your workspace, you will first need to navigate to the Notes page.

Once there, select Display all notes and, via the filter options on the left of the page, filter your notes so that all those remaining on-screen are those you wish shared with a user/users/group:

Then, select Tools in the top-right of the page and select Share:

Once selected, a new dialog window should appear, where you can designate the new recipients at the top. The main body of the dialog window will list the changes the action will have on other users (whether they gain/lose access to notes):

Select Share Notes and the notes will then be shared with the new recipient list.