AI Assist is a tool (available on the web server only) that allows AI analysis to be run across text searchable documents and transcripts (does not function on native files). Assist will produce short, medium or long summaries on the contents under the Summary function, as well as allowing users to ask context related questions about the contents of an individual document or transcript under the Query function.
Users will first need to run the analysis on a per document/transcript basis and once this has completed, you can then use the Assist tool.
AI Assist will need to be enabled in your workspace and for your account before you can use it - please reach out to the Solution Operations team for more information.
1. Run Analysis - Within the Documents page, select a document or transcript and follow one of the two options below to begin running the analysis:
- Press Analyse above the preview pane on the right; or
- Right click on the row in the index > click Advanced > select Analyse (under 'Document' heading).
Analyse is also available in the top right of the Transcript view itself.

2. Monitor Analysis Progress - Whilst the analysis is running, the 'Analysis' metadata column should update with the relevant stage following a browser refresh:
- Queued - Waiting to be processed.
- Processing - Being processed.
- Failed - Issue found and analysis needs to be re-run.
- Done - Successfully processed.
If the Analysis metadata column isn't visible, on the grey toolbar at the top of the Documents page, press the View dropdown and tick 'Analysis' to update your view to include this column.
3. Use AI Assist - Once the Analysis column shows as 'Done', press Assist (the Analyse button at 1a should now read as Assist) to open the Assist tool. Assist contains two functions:
- Summary - Select from the dropdown one of three different lengths for summarising the document or transcript. You can press Copy to copy the summary to your clipboard:
- Short - Up to 150 words.
- Medium - Up to 500 words.
- Long - Up to 1,000 words.
- Query - Populate the 'Type Query here...' box and press Enter (on your keyboard) to ask context related questions about the document or transcript and receive answers based on the contents of the text only. You can apply an action to the query history:
- Save - Save the query history for use at a later date.
- Dropdown + Show Selected - Select a previously saved query history from the dropdown and press Show Selected to make it appear in the Query window.
- Export - Download a .txt file containing the query contents.
- Clear - Clear the query window.